Monday, September 18, 2017

Women in the Modern World

Being a woman in today's world is complex, multifaceted, and difficult. These artifacts are an effort to convey the experiences of 21st century women. 

Friday, September 15, 2017

Women Today

Egyptian Mummy Portrait, c. 160 - 170 C.E.

What's it mean to be a "modern" woman? "Modern" means to come from something, and so a modern woman is a woman steeped in physical, cultural, and psychological ancestors—and that is all women. To be a modern woman is to share a common history with all the women that have preceded her. It is to share and be made by the hopes, fears, abuse, and victories of previous cultures’ relationships with women. I like this woman’s death mask because, even though she and I are separated by 1800 years, she emotes confidence and calm like the women in my life that I admire.

Girls...We Run the World

How are women viewed in the world today? Some people say that they are sexualized, some say that they are fashion and trend obsessed, other say that they are nurturing and kind. In the world today, it can be hard to figure out just how women are stereotyped. I have compiled a variety of memes, videos, pictures that I think accurately portray how the world thinks of women today. (Also here is a picture of one of my most FAVORITE women in the world today, my mother.)

A Revolutionary Soul Force: women

I am a woman in modern society. In a sense the curation of this project is an answer to the question What is it like to be me? But my experience is not all encompassing and I need to validate the strengths and struggles of the women around me. With my collection of images I have tried to capture the multifaceted meaning of Being a Woman.

Dress Like a WOMAN and think like a MAN

Dress Like a WOMAN and think like a MAN

I grew up listening to this phrase quite often; but... is it really necessary? no, it is not. I don't need to dress like a woman and think like a man. I can just dress like a woman and think like a woman. Being a woman doesn't mean I'm the weaker sex or I have to be like a man if I want to succeed. It is time to let society know that I am not a perfect failure, and that I do not need to be worshiping a man in order to be accepted. I am ME, I am a Woman.

It is understood in our society that if you are a girl, you can't do things that a man would do. You should do girl's stuff; for me girls' stuff are running wild or climbing a tree. And doing it better than everybody else.

This piece is called "The March" by Abigail G. Swartz. I found it pretty amazing because I personally believe that woman, specially African American, are just a definition of strength. What they went through still amuses me. It is not completely understood how much strength they had to have to stand tall like they did and are doing now.

"Malala Yousafzai" by Michael Voipicelli. She does not need introduction. She is The force of willingness personified. She stood up for her beliefs; not even fearing death.
"Frida Kahlo" at simple sight she is just a manly woman. She is the definition of a true self. She is, in my personal definition, what a woman is and should always be. Natural beauty and your own person.
"Tree of Life-Cha Wakan" by Tamara Philips. Creation and nurture is what only female mammals and woman are capable of. I don't see "weaker sex" anywhere. Do you?
"Indifference" by Mario Sanchez Nevado. There is not a woman in this world that has not at least once hidden a feeling to protect herself or somebody else. Acted cold or wore a tick skin. We have a history of suffering from physical to emotional abuse, and this painting gives me a sense of what it means to feel it all and show nothing.
"Seated Nude" by William A. Bouguereau. Now there are times where the indifference mask is worn out. And the true comes out. This painting reminds me at the delicacy and fragility of a woman. Not because she is weak; but because she is an entity that has to endure so much, leaving her open sometimes.
"The Horse Lady" by Prinelsa A. Encarnacion. Sensuous vs. Sensual. People often misunderstand the difference between sensuous and sensual. Sensuousness means to appeal to your senses instead of your intellect without sexual connotation. Which it's totally different from sexuality. In this picture she is not showing just "skin", her skin is her dress, her natural clothes. It tries to be appealing to your senses but not being bulgar. 
"Wo/man" by Prinelsa A. Encarnacion. Woman should not be categorized with something lower than a man. Woman are just like man; but with different details. What I believe it is a woman, it is just the meaning of man as well.
This video is made by Always, a feminine care product company. Here, they try to address the phrase "like a girl" and how badly it is employed in our society. The answers that the young girls give about what it means to be a girl is amazing. It is up to us to change the negative connotation of woman and what she can do. There are girls coming up behind us, following us, taking us as their model. It is up to us to show them that we are as important and as amazing as man.
I have always known that woman can do unmeasurable wonders when they know who they are and what they can do. Women are often naturally empathetic. I think that is probably one of the reason what we can give birth another human being. You can only do great things when you let the greatness that lies within, come out.
Last but not least, Women. We were and are the finally act. The amazing maniobra. God knew that he save the best for the end. Therefore, we don't need to be like man. We just need to be ourselves and let everything fall into place.

What is Fe/male?

What is Fe/male?

"And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man" (Genesis 2:22). In the beginning, man wrote a bible in which women were created for and by men.  Throughout the epochs of human civilization, that hasn't changed. Women from birth are told what they are and, sometimes more significantly, what they are not. The world peers through lenses stained with difference and we are collectively and individually defined by what is male and what is female, what is right and what is wrong. Rarely are we defined by what is human. No culture or subsect of society is immune to the toxic categorization of women, of humans. This exhibit depicts women of today's world that exemplify, truly, what is fundamentally female.  

What is a woman?

In a world full of diverse cultures and peoples, the definition of a woman changes and is subject to many different stereotypes. What does it really mean to be a woman? We can analyze what society says, but the question that is most important is, what do you say?

Women are objects
As writer Suzannah Weiss explains in this article, women are taught by society that they are sex objects, with the purpose of satisfying the desires of men. Unfortunately as we grow up, we don't even realize this influence, yet it still pervades how we view other women and even ourselves. But a woman is so much more than an object.

Women Love

This beautiful woman is my mother. She is capable of love that I cannot even understand. She loves me, my sister, and my brother (pictured) and manifests in through everyday sacrifice, and she has been doing so for over 25 years. She is more than an object.

Women Create
The creations of talented women are innumerable. Women can paint, sew, decorate, build, and create new ideas. This is what makes the world more beautiful.

Women are complicated

It's not about the nail (1). How many of us have heard someone say girls are complicated? Though there are also valid principles that can be derived, this video is an illustration of this conception: that understanding a woman's feelings is illogical to men. 

Women Speak

Elizabeth Nyamayaro (2) is just one of hundreds of women who have given a TED Talk, speaking on one of their passions. How many wonderful and amazing things we can learn from women who speak.

Women Understand

Elaine S. Dalton (3) was the General Young Women's President for the LDS Church for the years that I was in high school. She was released from this calling right as I turned 18. She understood girls and the experiences they were going through. She used that understanding to reach out and lift. Her messages impacted me and my own self-worth at a time that I needed it.

Women are weak

This Polish politician (4) voiced an opinion that, though becoming less accepted, used to just be the way of life: women are weaker than men. Biological arguments could be made and refuted. The real reason behind this assumption is the lasting influence of previous discrimination. Women are not weak.

Women save

Women are capable of saving.  Just under 15% of the U.S. Military consists of women who are dedicated to protecting their country and its citizens. (5)

Women impact

There is no impact comparable to that of a mother. A mother influence spans across generations. The entire population can look to someone who was a mother in their life. A woman has the capability to make an impact as a loving mentor to more than just her own children, but to the whole world. This requires strength. (6)

Women are scared
Unfortunately because of the dangers of this world, women have to fear for their safety and take precautions. This is already evidence of a great problem in our society. However we also need to remember that there is more to women than fear.

Women explore

Amelia Earhart was a hero of mine as a child. She was a woman who was not afraid. She was one of the only women pilots, and she didn't let that stop her from excelling and fulfilling her dream to explore. Though she died tragically, she is an example of defying expectations and being adventurous. (7)

Women stand

Throughout history there are examples of women who defended what they believed to be right. Women's rights, civil rights, and even problems of equality today are causes that have been supported and at times carried by women who believed and bravely stood up. (8)


So Much More

     Society has almost always tried to dictate how a woman should look, what a women should be interested in, and how a woman should act.  They use the media to narrow women's perceptions of other women and themselves to keep them stuck where they have always been: behind men.  It is really only recently that women have started to be able to see themselves for who they really are: so much more than who society says they should be.

Like A Girl

"Is like a girl a good thing?" is a question the interviewer asks the subjects of this video. Part of womanhood in today's climate is fighting against the ingrained notion that somehow being a woman is inferior to being a man. That doing things "like a girl" is an insult insinuating weakness and fragility. But society's conception of "like a girl" is vastly different than the reality of what womanhood and girlhood look like.

Everyone woman goes through a process of discovering what it means to them to be a woman and then striving to become that. There isn't just one species of butterflies; and there isn't just one species of woman. There isn't a mold of womanhood, creating a beautiful variety of women, just like the wing patterns of a butterfly.


This journey to authentic womanhood becomes difficult when we are bombarded by the ideals our culture places upon us. Our magazines bombard us with images of women as sex symbols and tag lines for articles about how to be better in bed, get you summer body, and why he's not into you. We are surrounded by the message that we only exist as an object to be objectified by others.


From a young age girls are indoctrinated with the idea that their worth and value is dependent on physical appearance. While the girls' life magazine doesn't yet show the overt sexualization that is ever present in women's magazine, it implies that girls' accomplishments pale in comparison to what they look like. The boys' life magazine is a start contrast in showing that what we think boys should be aiming for.


"Handle with Care"
Artist rorablue created this series of images that explore the sexist comments that have affected her and other women. Several of these images edisplay the idea that women only exist in their relationship to other people, whether that's in the way men view you, as a mother, a wife, a homemaker, etc. Women struggle to establish an identity that does not rely on their relationship to someone, but just purely as a human being living their authentic life.

Source: "Handle With Care" by Rora Blue

Being a woman today means dealing with the realities of gender violence, like sexual assault. Rape culture exists, in that a woman's actions, past sexual history, or mental state are brought into question after a sexual assault in a way to make her responsibility for the violence committed against her. No amount of promiscuity or "provocative" is invitation for unwanted sexual activity.


After Senator Elizabeth Warren was silenced and shut down in the Jeff Sessions debate in February of 2017 by Major Leader Mitch McConnell, he said of the situaiton, "She was warned. she was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted." The quote became a rallying cry for women throughout history who did not back down to the "warnings" they were given. Just as Senator Warren persisted, women of today are persisting in their fight to be recognized and accepted for their authentic selves that don't conform to the expectations placed on womanhood.

Source: "Nevertheless, She Persisted" by Courtney Privett

Wolf and  Woman. Are the two mutually exclusive? Does being a ferocious and strong mean you aren't a woman? No. Ferocity is a hallmark of womanhood, because of the strength it takes to live confidently in a society that is telling you that you should be otherwise. It a society that ingrains in you the need to apologize for you strength and firmness, where leadership and strength is characterized as "bossy." Women are navigating ways to "stop apoligising for their wild."


I grew up with all mothers, all women. I come from a long line of matriarchs, very strong women.” -Erykah Badu

Being a woman requires strength. Strength to be who you want to be, even when everything is working against you. Being able to establish an identity that is your's and not dependent on what society things womanhood should look like. 


Mary Wollstonecraft was an English writer and advocate for women's rights. This quote encapsulates the essence of feminist and authentic womanhood, which is that woman aren't fighting for the power over men but in a society were have been subservient to men, the ultimate goal is to become equals. With that equality comes the right for women to govern themselves and their lives in a way that they see fit.


"There is no limit to what we, as women, can acccomlish." Michelle Obama is someone I look to as an examples for being able to be a powerful entity of her own, without bringing down those around her to do it. Her husband was one of the most powerful people in the world and she did not operate in his shadow. She was advocate herself for things she believed in and by many as not just the First Lady of the United States, but an individual capable of tremendous impact and good.

Source: T Magazine - T Greats Issue

Maya Angelou's words in "Still I Rise" capture the essence of what being a woman is to me. Despite the criticism and the negativity, women continually rise to the challenge and work towards the ultimately goal of having the freedom to live their self-determined authentic lives, however different from the mold of womanhood they may be. Because that's what being a woman it. 

Source: Maya Angelou - "Still I Rise"

Man! I Feel Like a Woman

The year was 1997. I was just a young kid at the time, but I can vividly remember driving to school on the bus one day when Shania Twain's pop-country hit "Man! I Feel Like a Woman" came on over the radio. I sang it. The kindergarteners and sixth graders sang it. The bus driver sang it. We all sang it. As a young boy, belting the lyrics, "Man! I feel like a woman!" felt oddly empowering. Admittedly, as an adult male, my understanding of what it truly feels like to be a woman in today's world is probably pretty limited. Maybe the closest I've ever come to understanding the power of being a woman is singing Shania Twain on a dirty yellow bus 20 years ago. What I do know is that being a woman means being human; and being human means being individually unique and complex. With this complexity in mind, describing what it's like to be a woman in today's world in a few mere words or photos is impossible. However, through the following media and accompanying dialogue, I try to capture my perspective of women and what it means to me to be a woman in today's world.

Photograph by Kylee Ann Maughan. (2014, July 4).
Image retrieved from

To be a woman in today's world means being brave, strong, and resilient. It means being an inspiration. The above picture is from a photoshoot of a woman named Amber who recently underwent breast cancer treatment. As my mom overcame breast cancer, including a double mastectomy, a few years ago, Amber's photoshoot carries personal significance. Many would consider long, luscious hair and breasts hallmarks of female beauty and womanhood. So without either of these physical features, the cultural consensus might be that Amber is not "sexy" or beautiful. However, Amber's beauty is undeniable. Only a woman could endure the physical and emotional trials of breast cancer and emerge more beautiful than ever. Amber's photoshoot portrays the bravery and courage of the modern woman. Society might expect a survivor of breast cancer to be insecure, damaged, and unwilling to display their "imperfect" body. Sorry society. The modern woman- Amber, my mom, and many other survivors- are too strong to let a little cancer cripple them.

Image retrieved from

The modern mom is the multi-tasking mother, expected and capable of doing it all while not receiving the credit for doing so. The traditional view of a mother's role might be simplistic. A mother cooks. A mother cleans. A mother cares for children. Seems easy, right? Being a mother and a modern woman entails so much more than the 1950s portrayal of "Mom" suggests. The way I see it, the modern mom can do it all, is expected to do it all, and does do it all. The modern mom works, nurtures, care-takes, educates, and leads. And yes, she most likely cleans and cooks too. The modern mom is expected to change the diaper, make the sale, call the doctor, buy the groceries and look photo-shoot ready while doing it. The modern mom faces daily pressure to get it all done and her efforts are often overlooked. The modern mom does it all and makes it look easy. And we take her for granted.

Quote by Emma Watson. (2014, Sept. 20) 
Image retrieved from

The modern woman is misunderstood. The above quote is from a speech delivered by actress Emma Watson to the U.N. in 2014. Thanks to the media and society in general, the word "feminism" often carries negative connotations. Feminists are man-haters. Feminists are angry. Feminists seek superiority over men. However, as Emma Watson points out, feminism is misunderstood. Feminists want equality, not superiority. The woman in today's world who stands up for women may be mislabeled as an obnoxious, whiny, angry, overly sensitive man-hater. Hopefully in history books 100 years from now, we will reform our current stereotypes and look back on today's feminists in the same light as Martin Luther King, Jr., Nelson Mandela, and Abraham Lincoln- as heroes who fought for human rights and equality.

Song by Kelly Clarkson. (2003, April 10).

A woman is independent. Traditional views suggest that a woman is dependent, specifically, that a woman is dependent on a man. These traditional stereotypes submit that a woman needs a man to "show her the way." Without a man, a woman cannot thrive and cannot succeed. Without a man, a woman cannot BE. To me, being a woman in today's world means being independent and self-reliant. Women are progressively being portrayed as empowered, autonomous individuals in the media. Songs like Kelly Clarkson's "Miss Independent" promote self-sufficiency, fearlessness, and independence in women. Even in the Disney movie "Frozen," female independence and not needing a man acts as a central theme.

Tweet by alivingiano. (2016, Aug. 15). 
Retrieved from

To be a woman in today's world means having the ability to accomplish anything and everything and yet not receive the appropriate recognition. At the age of 19, Katie Ledecky dominated the 2016 Olympic games in swimming winning four gold medals, one silver medal, and breaking two world records. However, her unparalleled success was reduced to a mere footnote in the Associated Press which featured Michael Phelp's silver medal as the dominant headline, thus downplaying the significance of Ledecky's world record. To be a woman in today's world means to be more capable and accomplished than a man and yet receive less recognition for equal or superior performance. Notwithstanding this lack of praise, the modern woman will continue to break world records.

Video by BuzzFeed. (2014).
Video retrieved from

To be a woman in today's world means to face the constant pressure of being externally beautiful and "made-up." This expectation to put on a pretty face is not just a pressure women face in the United States and other first-world countries. As seen in the above video, the majority of the world perceives a woman to be beautiful when she is meticulously "made-up" with perfect hair, eyeliner, mascara, foundation, etc. Although the definition of female beauty differs throughout the world, regardless of location, beauty consistently revolves around physical appearance. Today's woman might be told that inner beauty is all that matters, but then turns on the television and sees the actress with the pristinely "made-up" face or goes to the store and sees the airbrushed magazine model with the perfectly toned body. Because cultures throughout the world define female beauty by physical appearance, the modern woman faces daily pressure to be physically flawless. To be a woman means to battle the cultural contradiction that inner beauty is supposedly all that matters when outer beauty is all that is seen in popular culture and media.

Photograph by Annie Leibovitz. (2015).

To be a woman means to fight stereotypes of physical beauty. It is undeniable that the media's portrayal of female beauty emphasizes physical qualities that are sensational and largely unrealistic. According to the media and popular culture, being sexy is synonymous with being skinny, having large breasts, being perfectly proportioned...essentially looking flawless in lingerie. Without plastic surgery, these physical characteristics are nearly impossible to obtain. Women are fighting back against the unrealistic stereotypes of beauty displayed by the media. The above picture is of comedian Amy Schumer who posed semi-nude to oppose the media's portrayal of physical beauty as being skinny, perfectly toned, and having Barbie-like proportions. To be a woman in today's world means combatting media stereotypes and embracing the innate physical beauty that all women possess.

Ad by UN Women. (2013). Credit: Memac Ogilvy and Mather Dubai
Image retrieved from

To be a woman means to be oppressed in many parts of the world. Progressive ideas concerning women's rights are not accepted in most cultures. Women around the world are oppressed, victimized, and abused. It is estimated that 1 in 3 women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence at some point in their lives. To be a woman in today's world means to be widely considered inferior and incapable. I have been fortunate to grow up in a culture and household that values women as intelligent, capable, equal, beautiful, and worthy of constant respect and admiration. Unfortunately, the perception and treatment of women throughout the world largely does not mirror my own.

Image retrieved from

Women are "bosses." Traditionally, women have been stereotyped as meek, soft, and submissive. Yes, I suppose women may generally be more meek than men, but almost every prominent woman in my life is a straight-up "boss." My wife is a "boss." She's strong, opinionated, independent, motivated, sexy. My mom is a "boss." She's brave, persistent, hard-working, determined, and intelligent. My grandma is a "boss." She's strong-willed, confident, selfless, outgoing and was literally the boss of BYU catering for over 20 years. The fearlessness of the women in my life has shaped my view of today's woman as being strong, driven, and tenacious. 

Quote by Kavita Ramdas. Date unknown.
Image retrieved from

To me, women are the most loving, caring, and selfless people in the world. Although society might associate these characteristics with just mothers, I believe these attributes pertain to all women. I believe women have an innate ability to love. To be a woman means to have the unsurpassed ability to nurture, love, and empathize. Throughout this presentation, I have referred to women as strong, brave, and "bosses." Many would consider that these assertive traits contradict characteristics such as loving, caring, and selfless. Enter the uniqueness of women. Only a woman can be a "boss" while simultaneously being the most loving, compassionate person in the world. The above poem illustrates a woman's unique ability to possess seemingly contrasting characteristics   

Image by Barry Deutsch. (2012, April 3)
Image retrieved from

To be a woman means to have equal intelligence, skill, and ability but not equal opportunity. As of 2015 in the United States, the Pew Research center estimated that a full-time working woman makes 80 cents for every dollar earned by a man. Further statistics indicate that women consistently earn less than men in nearly every occupation in which salary data can be collected. Even more harrowing, the Institute for Women's Policy Research estimated that Black women will have to wait until the year 2124 to receive equal pay as men. Hispanic women will have to wait until 2248. And while more women graduate from college than men, women enter the work field following graduation make approximately $9,000 less in yearly salary than men according to an Economic Policy Institute study (2016).  

Quote by Alexandre Dumas. The Count of Monte Cristo.
Image retrieved from

This quote, more than any another, captures my perception of women. Women are sacred. Women are divine. Women are the greatest of God's creations. My belief in the divinity of women was cemented when I got married to my wife, Christie. In her I see my future, my life, and my potential. Women throughout the world are not always viewed as sacred or holy. They are disadvantaged, oppressed, and objectified. To be a woman in today's world means to be the greatest of God's creations but not recognized or treated as such. I am grateful that my upbringing, religious background, and personal experiences have helped me realize the sacredness of women.

This One's for the Girls

Women oppression. Not necessarily a new topic, amiright? But here we are, quoting Martina McBride and all. 

From What I’ve Gathered…

From what I’ve gathered women are incredibly enigmatic.  Why is do I feel this way?
What It Means To Be A Woman

This is collection of pictures I took while I was in Nepal. I chose these pictures because I think that they truly capture the essence of what it means to be a woman. Being a woman is very different in the world, so this is simply my version of what it takes to be a great woman.

My Thoughts on Women in Today's World

My Thoughts on Women in Today's World

The other day while talking with my fiancé, the ideas and subject matter of my women's studies class swirled in my mind. After letting my thoughts brew for a little while longer I let them eep out into a conversation. I said, " you know what, I am really glad that I am a girl." to which my husband to be answered, "I am glad you are a girl too. And I am glad I am a boy." As I think about what it means to be a woman in today's world, I think mostly about the gratitude I feel for my gender and the need we have as men and women to support and love one another. This post is a continuation of my swirling thoughts and feelings surrounding womanhood- written by a woman, for other women.


We need to celebrate and praise women. To recognize the greatness that exists around us and within us obligates us to nurture the greatness in the rising generation. I am grateful to be a woman.

Michelle Obama is an example of a strong woman. As the 44th first lady of the United States, Michelle has developed her strengths and used them to bless the community, our nation, and her family. As a graduate of princeton university and Harvard law school, Michelle values education and hard work. The job that is most important to her however, is her role as a wife and mother. I value the love she shows for her husband and family.
Pinterest (

I love this quote and picture. Sometimes we are not always privy to the strength that others have and the hidden battles they are fighting and winning. There are so many women today that exert this kind of strength that doesn't make the headlines. My mother is one of those heroes.


I think we too often overlook the gift women have been given to bring life to this earth. Bearing children is a great privilege. Today, many women downplay the importance of this gift. An increase of gratitude and reverence for our bodies would do more for humanity than would a focus on how pregnancy and the attitudes surrounding it have imprisoned women. 


A big part of showing gratitude for women is taking care of the woman you are with 24/7- yourself! Sometimes we fall into the trap of self negligence when our lives get busy. I believe that our life quality begins with how we treat ourselves, emotionally, physically, spiritually, socially, and in any other capacity. 

You’ll just be too much woman.
Too smart,
Too beautiful,
Too strong.
Too much of something
That makes a man feel like less of a man,
Which will start making you feel like you have to be less of a
The biggest mistake you can make
Is removing jewels from your crown
To make it easier for a man to carry.
When this happens, I need you to understand,
You do not need a smaller crown –
You need a man with bigger hands. - Michael Reid

The best thing we as women can do to encourage other women and men to step up is to be ourselves. There has never been a bigger need in our world for strong people. Refusing to settle for less will force others to rise up to a higher standard. 

This painting by Mario Sanchez Nevado shows the beauty and virtue inherit in women and the great need we have for their goodness in the world today. The woman in the painting fearlessly faces the gun of the world- refusing to back down and standing courageously for the values that make up her very nature. So is it with the women of today's world. 

I love this poster of Rosie. This poster isn't to show that we don't need men in the workplace (as it is sometimes misinterpreted) but to show that women work to run America in cooperation with the men. While men were away at war, women were needed to work in the factories to help the war effort. Just as the success of our country during wartimes was continent upon cooperation between men and women, the success of our country today is contingent on both men and women working in cooperation. 

Motherhood Uncut
To be a woman in today's world is to be a mother. Whether it is to be a mother for children you have birthed yourself or for other children, women today have a tremendous influence on the rising generation. We are to raise children who know that they are loved and valued by us. Children who are fortified with confidence in themselves and simultaneous humility to serve in the world. 

To be a woman in today's world is to be equipped with charisma and a positive outlook on challenges. The challenges we face in school or at work are opportunities for growth.

By Linda K. Burton

Relief Society General President

This address was given in a general conference meeting of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Linda K. Burton is a Woman in today's world and recognizes the importance of cooperation instead of competition between men and women.

The cause of humanity is like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Men and Women are different and complementary. Women in today's world should embrace their identity as women, show gratitude for it by taking care of themselves and working in cooperation with men.